Howdy Superhuman!
Here’s what’s new in version 1.5.9 available Oct 7, 2022. Remember to accept “Update Available” when hovering in VR over Villa’s icon with your laser. If you don’t update you’ll encounter a message requiring you to when you start the app.
Attach objects to objects: Aim laser at an object, grab by snap pulling middle finger, and move the object to another object until a magnetic force appears as a blue silhouette. Then simply let go by snap pulling your middle finger again, and the object will snap into place from any direction.

Ideas: Spawn speakers with music and attach those to your private jet or yacht! When you pilot these around the music will always be there for you and any passengers you huddled. Want to take this to another level? Do this over one of the digital twin cities in the Business Travel section, like Denver, CO. Or here’s another idea: Build a luxury villa or yacht by adding furniture and snapping it into place.
To spawn from over 120 free soundtracks don’t forget to press A > Spawn! > Music. Look to the right panel for instructions on how to realize your 30%
discount to additionally spawn over 35,000 licensed soundtracks as you build Metaverses that thrill!
https://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FOShbB-V8fUk%3Ffeature%3Doembed&display_name=YouTube&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DOShbB-V8fUk&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FOShbB-V8fUk%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=a19fcc184b9711e1b4764040d3dc5c07&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtubeAttach objects to objects tutorial
🇮🇱 Israel Pack is now available for purchase: One of a kind pack with three digital twins you won’t find anywhere else in VR except for Villa, with the following three cities each about 15×15 miles of flythrough terrain: Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, and Acre. To buy a 1-month access, press and hold the A or X button > Business Travel which will bring you to Shop > Business Travel. Once purchased, view it from any of your Villas or Galactica Parcels by clicking A or X > Business Travel. It’s a lot of fun, educational and very close to reality at 3cm resolution for Jerusalem, and 5cm for Tel Aviv and Acre. Remember that you must have an account and be subscribed to access this pack.

How this works: press and hold the A or X button > Business Travel. We LOVE spawning the double hot air balloon, placing a Pilot Seat on top, adding fun music (instructions above), and huddling our team on world tours
New: Got friends considering Villa? Ghosts can now sample spawning a few objects so they can determine if they’d like to subscribe. To sample and practice, both Ghosts and account holders can go to Public Access > Events > Practice Villa. A random fullbody avatar is assigned as ghosts sample Villa. Ghosts cannot choose or customize their avatar, but they’ll get a glimpse for what it’s like when they subscribe. Remember that as a subscriber you can have unlimited fullbody avatars — create all these from your web account at app.villa.rocks > Customize Fullbody Avatar. Tip: On that link sign in with Ready Player Me at the bottom of the page to create as many avatars as you’d like. Each time you hit Next, it saves the avatar to your Villa account in VR. On your web account simply go right back and create a new avatar, customize it, click Next, repeat, take your time and do this once and you’ll love all the options next time you go into Villa on your headset. You can then swap avatars in real time in VR by pressing A > Spawn! > My Avatars.

We’re a team of Metaverse enthusiasts that believe our future in immersive 3D will increasingly drive meaningful interactions, productivity, creativity and prosperity in a creator first economy, while reducing humanity’s footprint IRL. We love the physical world, and encourage everyone here to continue enjoying the outdoors and socializing IRL. But when it comes to digital consumption while leveraging superpowers, the immersive Metaverse is an exceptional paradigm shift.
Enjoying Villa? Review to let others know!
Promo: Created a beautiful world on Villa? Snap and post a short vid or pic to our Discord, or tag us on Twitter, or Instagram or YouTube and include your Villa Metaverse name to get beamed redeemable coins into your account.
Enterprise user? If you have more than 100 users and you’ve already piloted this with your team and are ready to scale, reply to this email with your needs, we can handle 10s of thousands of simultaneous users and have solutions for corporate conferences and events. Need another headset than Quest? We work with all headsets at scale, please reach out to info@ villa.rocks.