Generative AI Art & Host a meetup or conference up to thousands simultaneously inVR over Villa! Jan 2023 update

Hello Villa Superhuman!

Here’s what’s new in version 1.6.6 available since Jan 20, 2023. Remember to accept “Update Available” when hovering in VR over Villa’s icon with your laser before launching. If you don’t update you’ll encounter a message requiring you to when you start the app.

Generative AI Art over Villa – this is fun!

Come play with Generative AI Art in VR: From any Villa press the A or X button > let go on Spawn! > Generative AI Art

Generative AI Art! 🦋

To access from any of your Villas (or in publicly open Villas like Public Access > Events > Practice):

Press A or X > let go on Spawn! > and look to the left panel to select Generative AI Art.

Then dictate by pressing the mic icon in the search box. Choose n=1 up to n=4 for the # of different pieces of AI art you want to generate per prompt (counts as one credit either way).

Comps to subscribers: Annual Unlimited: 100 credits, Limited Annual: 50, Unlimited Monthly: 10, Limited Monthly, 5, Ghosts: 2. Look to the bottom right of the middle panel to see how many you have left. If you run out, you can buy a pack from Shop > Buy Generative AI Art.

Ideas: Create phenomenal Generative AI Art exhibits and museums, then publish to share with others. Or buy your own parcel on the in-app game Galactica from Shop > Buy Land, and build your beautiful exhibits, museums, or worlds for exhibiting privately, publicly, or list them for sale to earn in-app coins which can be redeemed for additional Villa experiences.

Host a Broadcast and reach up to thousands of simultaneous users in VR:

Perfect for meetups and conferences, both public and private, where you need to reach > 100 people simultaneously. Here’s how:

From the B button select Host a Broadcast, or press A or X button > let go on Spawn! and look to the left panel for Host a Broadcast. Then as long as you’re the admin of that Villa (which you’d know if it was a Villa you created, or it’s in your organization and you’re the org’s Admin), follow directions on the right panel. Select if it’s a private broadcast which can only be accessed by people in your org (from their My Villas tab) that you’ve added using their villa account email from your web account at, or if you wish to host a public broadcast, it means that any Villa user will be able to access it from Menu > Public Access > Live Events. You’ll need to market and notify your users how to access.

Enjoy! Please email if you have additional questions, or need to put together a mega event, and we’re happy to help.

New: Got friends considering Villa? Ghosts can now sample spawning a few objects so they can determine if they’d like to subscribe. Remember that as a subscriber you can have unlimited fullbody avatars — create all these from your web account at > Customize Fullbody Avatar. Tip: On that link sign in with Ready Player Me at the bottom of the page to create as many avatars as you’d like. You can then swap avatars in real time in VR by pressing A > Spawn! > My Avatars.

Generative AI Art created on the Villa platform on Quest 2. You can easily access your art not only in VR, but also on your web Villa account so you can publish it to social media, in presentations, etc, by heading to > my library

We’re a team of VR lovers that believe our future in immersive 3D will increasingly drive meaningful interactions, productivity, creativity and prosperity in a creator first economy, while reducing humanity’s footprint IRL.

Enjoying Villa? Review to let others know!

Promo: If you’re loving Villa, snap and post a short vid or pic to our Discord, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn by tagging us and include your Villa Metaverse org’s name to get beamed redeemable coins 🪙 into your account.

Enterprise user? If you have more than 100 users who want to discover standups, conferences, and happy hours that are out of this world, and you’ve already piloted this with your team and are ready to scale, email us with your needs, we can handle 10s of thousands of simultaneous users and have solutions for corporate conferences and events. Need another headset than Quest? We work with all headsets at scale, please reach out by replying to this email and someone will promptly help you get setup.