Hi Villa fan!
Go check out Villa’s new Virtual Travel section. It’s extremely powerful. And you can go in our footsteps in VR. Simply dictate and search ‘Mount Whitney portal’, and go up the trail to the peak. Or if you’re not sure where the peak is, dictate to search for Mount Whitney Peak, and set a bookmark there too.
We’ll summarize our Villa enhanced trip from Sep 22-24, 2023 to the contiguous US’s highest peak, Mt Whitney at 14,505 ft. Scroll below to see videos about how we planned this trip in VR and why this was such a powerful experience.

Villa’s new Virtual Travel section is phenomenal for researching places prior to going in person. Within minutes we knew exactly what we were getting into (we vouch, after having just been there in person for the first time).Climbing to the peak of Mt Whitney is quite a feat. By immersively researching the topography and panos in advance in VR, we were highly prepared. This left less chance to failure, allowing us to achieve our goal of making it to the top.

Watch: Video planning the climb:
We planned this technical climb which occurs in harsh topography and extreme altitude. Day 1 for example is a vertical climb of 4,000 feet over 7.5 miles. Day two starts at 12,500 ft elevation and within 4 miles you’re at the peak at 14,505ft. That’s 2,000 vertical ascent in a limited oxygen environment.
The results of planning were striking. In minutes we mapped out where we were going, and were able to prepare for success accordingly.
TL;DR video:

Planning the trip involves exploring both the topography in 3D, and detailed views using 360 photos
Remember: in Villa’s Virtual Travel section simply raise your left-hand controller to your chin to immediately be immersed in 360 panos that perfectly align with the mesh.
How’s Villa’s Virtual Travel section different from Google Maps or Google Earth?
Be in the actual place, a digital twin replica of Earth. Go anywhere in 3D, both mesh and 360 photos. Be there in multiplayer: Bring your colleagues, friends, family, interact together in advance of going IRL. Bring in friends that don’t have VR via Zoom. Make the most of your travels by knowing exactly what you’re getting into, leaving space for fun discovery and accomplishments IRL
Come try out Villa:
Villa on Meta Quest: https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/4784171281624823/
Got a Quest VR headset? Open your account on app.villa.rocks
Don’t have a VR headset? You can now join Villa subscribers who have an account, via Zoom! Ask them to show you how. It’s not immersive… but it’s the closests to 3D you can get without a device.
NEW: GenAI Assistant – your guide to superintelligence on Villa. Get hours of nonstop chat included. Learn from over 15 languages, acquire new skills, get answers to tough questions, learn fast.
Zoom Integration: Villa users can now join Zoom from VR. Non-VR users can join Villa and experience VR immersion via a Zoom link
Broadcast to thousands of users in VR meetups and conferences.
Create Generative AI Art in VR alone or in multiplayer!
Subscribe in-app for all features as Superhuman to earn a free 7 day trial – absolutely zero code required. Choose monthly, annual, or one time purchases. Annual plans offer up to 53% discount
Villas are 3D channels offering private conf rooms and vast outdoor experiences. Spawn keyword searchable 3D objects for socials, events, exhibits, and presentations. Choose from repos in-app or drag/drop your HQ/office/home or any obj, fbx, gltf, glb, jpeg, png, mp3, NFT to your web account, then explore in VR
Fly supersonic! Create unlimited fullbody (with legs) avatars. Collaborate privately or publicly. As admin screen who joins your Metaverse
Galactica terraforming game (in-app): Own & develop your virtual land or sell to earn!
Build worlds increasingly with AI – zero coding necessary!
‘Like Discord x Westworld in VR’. Building in 3D is fun and exercises creativity! Publish minutes Metaverses with AI art, 3D objects, 3D soundtracks, VFX, and lots more!
3D travel, real estate, world flythroughs
Tip 1: Remember that as a subscriber you can have unlimited fullbody avatars – create all these from your web account at app.villa.rocks > Customize Fullbody Avatar. Creating an account doesn’t cost extra when upgrading from Instant Accountless. Tip 2: On that link sign in with Ready Player Me at the bottom of the page to create as many avatars as you’d like. You can then swap avatars in real time in VR by pressing A > Spawn! > My Avatars.
We’re a team of VR enthusiasts that believe our future in immersive 3D with leverage from AI, will increasingly drive meaningful interactions, productivity, creativity and prosperity in a first person creator economy, while reducing humanity’s footprint IRL.
Enterprise user? If you have more than 100 users who want to conduct standups, conferences, and happy hours that are out of this world, and you’ve already piloted this with your team and are ready to scale, please reply to this email and chat with us, we can handle thousands of simultaneous users and have solutions for corporate conferences and events. Need another headset than Quest? We work with all headsets at scale, please reach out by replying to this email and someone will promptly help you get setup.
Until next time, with special thanks and appreciation to all you amazing fellow VR enthusiasts,
Team Villa
PS: Ideas or requests? We’d love to hear from you! Email us info@villa.rocks