Greetings Villa fan,
First off, Happy Holidays!
- We’ve got a season’s sale of parcels on Galactica at 50% off (build, use to meet, publish publicly, or flip to earn on virtual land)
- Power users love our Annual Unlimited subscription which now offers a 33% discount over monthly + $50 bonus (additional $10 for leaving a review!).
Find both of these under Shop in-app.

We’ve been jam packing AI upgrades to Villa over the past few months. Whether a power user or if you haven’t tried Villa yet or in a while:
Watch: New Villa trailer featuring the latest in cutting edge AI x VR tech.
- Superior AI Assistant capabilities including team based AI for teams to share learning in multiplayer (great for enterprise/academia/gaming)
- Communicate with AI in 30+ languages. Learn languages, or simply communicate and learn in the language of your choice.
- Robust multiplayer multiplayer AI art prompting
- Enhanced 3D virtual travel in multiplayer anywhere on Earth – and beyond!
- Zoom integration for your colleagues or friends/family that don’t have VR yet but want to see what you’ve been up to
- Browser
- YouTube player (you can save a film to your Villa)
Many of the above features have already rolled out, but additional ones are about to ship so keep your ears peeled.

Remember that Saturdays at noon pacific team Villa loves to meet its fans and here’s how: Launch Villa and from the main Welcome screen choose Events > Villa HQ.
With great appreciation, Team Villa