Beam me to #TelAviv

What’s new on Villa for Sep 2022?

Hello Villa Superhuman!

What an awesome weekend to kick back, relax, and enjoy immersive 3D fun! A few wild ideas to get you into your creative 3D flow.

Pilot a pizza (or any object, really)! Did you know that on Villa you can quickly turn any object into a flying or sailing vessel?! It may sound silly, but it’s hella fun and productive if you’re traveling over our digital twin cities in the Business Travel section. Try it!

Flying Pizza vessel over Villa as seen on Meta Quest2

How to turn pizza to flying pizza on Villa:

1. Make sure you’re subscribed for access to all superpowers by launching Villa and grabbing a subscription from Shop. Remember that annual subscriptions when combined with land ownership over the in-app VRE platform Galactica, are 53% off.

2. Spawn any object (this requires imagination) by pressing and holding the A or X button > Spawn! and choosing something that excites you. Be sure to do this from your own Villa or Galactica parcel, because most public Villas prohibit editing or else guests could accidentally delete things. If you prefer to co-create publicly, some Villas are designated for co-building such as Public Access > Events > Practice Villa or Taste of USA, UK, and other nation parcels around the world (this is also your place to connect with fellow nationals, fans, or simply immerse in language and culture from around the world. Don’t see your country yet? Claim it by buying a parcel and making it Visitable, more below).

Luxury Yacht on Villa as soon over #Meta #Quest2

3. Pick a 3D object either from Villa’s many integrations on the left panel, or from the NFT tab if you own a 3D NFT (be sure to connect your Metamask wallet first), or from your Library if you bought the object on the internet (ie: Turbosquid) or if you created your own in Blender, Maya, etc by dragging and dropping it to your web account Library here.

4. On that same Spawn! menu, look for Miscellaneous on the left panel and select Utilities in the dropdown. Spawn a Pilot or Captain’s Seat then snap your controller’s middle-finger to grab the object while aiming at it, and position the seat until it magnetizes to your vessel object.

5. Now simply aim at the Seat while pushing your thumbstick at the seat, and when you let go you’ll be seated. To fly or sail, pull your index fingers while seated. Supersonic is index + middle fingers for 10x the speed. Huddle others as your passengers by pressing, holding, and releasing Huddle on the B button.

Got something exciting to share? Snap and post a short vid or pic to our Discord, or tag us on Twitter, or Instagram and include your Oculus ID. Winners get extra superpowers into their account.

Perfect amalgamation of a #photogrammetry mesh of the city of Tel-Aviv, as explored from a fantasy spaceship. Notice fullbody avatars on Villa are first person, so pictured is a passenger — Capt’n Jack to be exacting.

Where to pilot or captain a vessel!? Watch this video for jetracing in Tel Aviv or hop into Villa’s Business Travel section to explore a growing list of digital twin cities and regions around the world! Since exploring is fun with friends, be sure to add colleagues to your Villa Metaverse by heading to your web account at to View Org, and add your colleagues’ Villa account email as a member of your org, Villa or Parcel. Or if you want to make your villa or Galactica parcel public, simply designate it as public or visitable, respectively, by pressing A > Menu > left panel edit pencil under Mod Settings.

Want luxury?

You’ll find #luxury everywhere on Villa. In addition to infinite spawn options, if you buy land on Galactica you can combine it with a Luxury Yacht or Villa. Be sure to sample these first by filtering Galactica for Visitable parcels and checking those out.

Luxury Villas abound on Villa!

How this works: From any Villa press and hold A or X > Spawn! and look to your left panel to spawn, or if you don’t feel like building, head to Shop > Galactica and choose an add-on at checkout.

Who are we and what inspires us? Come meet us in person on Happy Hour Fridays (more below). We’re a team of Metaverse enthusiasts eating our own dogfood mostly in VR, based around the world, with a mission to ensure users can realize their inalienable right to superpowers. We built Villa with inspiration from Westworld

so professionals, creators, and gamers can build the worlds that get them, their hosts (coming soon) and their guests thrilled just like the founders Robert and Arnold intended! On Villa — YOU are the founder of your Metaverse. If you haven’t watched Westworld, find it on HBO (jealous). Another source of inspiration is professor and futurist David Passig who researched the benefits of VR, finding it can increase users’ cognition levels by up to 20%.

Enjoying Villa? Review to let others know!

Please join us 24/7 over Villa in VR. Chat with teammates and fellow Villa pros, play games, and participate in community events like Happy Hour Fridays (5pm PST at Senior Ghost Villa). We ship new features every couple of weeks so be sure to accept those updates from time to time. Don’t miss our Blog, Q&A, and Villa on Discord where you can share, get exclusive promos, and connect with Villa members. Enterprise user? If you have more than 100 users, reach out to discuss, we can handle thousands of simultaneous users and have solutions for panels and conferences.

Until next time,

Ofer & Team Villa