Virtual Travel on Villa just got an upgrade covering all of Earth – travel in multiplayer or alone!

If you love traveling the world to real places, you’re going to love Villa’s new Virtual Travel release for Meta Quest which went live on Aug 22, 2023.

Here’s what planning a ski trip to Zermatt Switzerland ended up like – TL;DR: we ended up on Mount Matterhorn!

Virtual Travel on Villa can be used to achieve multiple goals:

  • Planning a trip in 3D is priceless, because it’s as if you’ve been there, leaving many questions such as landmarks to visit, how far places are from each other in the destination, places to focus on and so on
  • You can use virtual travel alone or in multiplayer for socials or business meetings
  • Use for planning real estate purchases by entering the address of the place you’re researching and checking out the area and its vicinity. And with our Matterport integration, you can see your 3D home both inside and out in its location.
  • Use for conferences
  • Show friends and colleagues your virtual travel with Villa’s Zoom integration
  • Do reunions and meetups with loved ones in the original place where you met or lived
  • Research bucket list locations
  • If you’re a tourist guide – take people on virtual travel trips on Villa
  • Remember that you can build on top, for example, you can create a museum, gallery, or dress up the real place with 3D models, music, and images that you spawn, save and come back to (remember Villa is a virtual world creation platform after all)
Virtual Travel on Villa

Here’s a video tutorial:

We look forward to seeing you somewhere real or fantasized on Villa!

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